Friday, 11 June 2010

Time for some shameless plugging...

I've entered the Next model competition and I could do with any votes to push me closer to the top 100, modelling is my lifelong dream, please help me reach new heights. :)

Thanks very much xxx

Thursday, 10 June 2010


Ian Drury would be proud, I suppose to be true to the song I better make it 1...2...3!
Another fantastic yet practical idea from the fellows at eastpak combined with designers Quinze and Milan. The result? The most sensible yet barmy sofas you've ever seen in your life! Certainly no chance of losing your reading glasses or remote controls here!

Reasons to be cheerful...1

I can't help but smile when I see these...

This is truly what dreams are made of!
A very inventive chap named Richard Woods is the mastermind behind this simple yet oh so effective idea, needless to say i wish I'd thought of it first!

But it gets better, collaborating with a man called Sebastian Wrong (classic name) , they have joined forces to create wrong woods, a furniture collection that Wild E Coyote himeslf would be proud of!